Saturday, December 20, 2014

Ancestry Saturday: Creepy Research, Not Creeping Researcher

My daughter says I'm creeping, and I'm creeping people out. I dispute that.

Here's the story: I'm at a wedding for my third cousin in Pittsburgh. I'm there to be among those helping her celebrate her big day. I'm there to meet cousins I've not met before too.

So, one newly-met third cousin is there from Georgia. She grew up in New York state. Her husband, though, is from Ohio.

He's not there to meet him in person, but she tells me he's from a town adjacent to the one in which my kids and I live. Her father-in-law worked for a company familiar to me.

Those tidbits sent me off to figure out the finer details. Just four sources later, I had the whole story. An email to a company contact, LinkedIn, Facebook, and my county's recorder office were all I needed.

Long story short, it turns out, in the early 1980's, her husband lived in the house two doors down from the house we live in now.

Small world is what I call that--spookily small world.

Creepy is what some might say. It's creepy research though, not the researcher.

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