Saturday, February 14, 2015

Ancestry Saturday: More Genealogy Memories

She had a room just for growing plants. She couldn't hear very well or see very well, but she was so happy to see us every time we visited. We sure posed for a lot of pictures with her.

A U.S. senator, one my grandfather didn't much care for, stopped by her 90th birthday party.

We bought her a new toilet seat at the mall before visiting one year. I remember her funeral and her burial too.

My Great Grandma Sallie (Bernard) Naylor was my other still-living great grandparent about whom I can recall sketchy memories. She died January 29, 1975 when I was eight years old.

Just as I wrote the other week, I'm the source for future generations of my family looking to learn personal memories of past generations.

I can fill in the memories with forty years of knowledge since.

Her Clintonville neighborhood home in North Columbus had a solarium where she kept a wide variety of plants. She had bad hearing most of her life, and was legally blind before she died at age 90.

We had visited her three times that I can remember and once met her at Salt Fork Lodge for her 90th Birthday party. U.S. Senator John Glenn just happened to be at Salt Fork at the time and stopped by for a hello. Glenn was a Democrat and my grandpa was a Republican.

One of our Columbus visits, I traveled with my grandparents and we stopped at Lazarus at Northland Mall. Neither Lazarus nor Northland Mall exists today.

My memory of her burial helped me find her gravestone without the need for a list almost 40 years later.

Future generations can just ask. I'm their source for family memories.

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